The Report features two Performance Audits and 13 other Compliance Audit paragraphs with a money value of Rs.595.66 crore.
Performance Audit on “Assessment and Implementation of Guidance Market Value” in Karnataka revealed delay in revision and notification of Guidance Market Values. Possible indicators of market value were not adequately considered during estimation of GMV and the final notified values suffered from inconsistencies, besides other omissions leading to undervaluation and consequent loss of revenue.
Performance Audit on “Systematic and Scientific Mining and Protection of Environment in respect of Quarry Leases of Minor Minerals” revealed inadequacies in administering the new provisions. Inventory of quarries was not comprehensive and the assessments by DMG were inaccurate. Monitoring remained weak due to insufficient use of modern technology and large scale illegal quarrying were noticed outside the lease areas as well as in illegal sites.
Besides the above, this Report features paragraphs on Non/short-levy of VAT, Short-levy of Stamp-Duty and Registration Fee and Non/short-levy of penalty for transportation of minor minerals amounting to Rs.214.05 crore.