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This Report contains chapters on Social, Economic and General Sectors and State Public Sector Undertakings comprising three performance reviews and 12 audit paragraphs, based on the audit of certain selected programmes and activities and the financial transactions of the Government and Public Sector Undertakings. Copies of the audit paragraphs and performance reviews were sent to the concerned Secretaries to the State Government by the Accountant General (Audit) with a request to furnish replies within six weeks. In respect of two reviews and seven audit paragraphs in this Report, no response was received from the concerned Secretaries to the State Government.
A synopsis of the important findings contained in this Report is presented in this overview. Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) was launched in the State in 1996 to provide financial assistance for construction of houses to rural BPL households. Implementation of IAY in the State was adversely affected due to improper planning, failure of die department to utilise available funds due to poor financial management and ineffective implementation and monitoring of the scheme. Priority list and seniority order were not maintained while extending IAY benefit. Financial assistance ofRS 1.81 crore was extended to 396 ineligible persons, who were neither in the BPL list nor in the IAY Waitlist. 17 villages having BPL households were totally deprived of the IAY benefits. Deduction of Central assistance of RS 5.27 crore and RS 4.69 crore due to excess carryover beyond permissible limit and short release of State share respectively.
There were cases of undue delay in release of funds by the State government. Convergence of IAY with other schemes like Total Sanitation Campaign, Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana, National Rural Water Supply Programme, etc. was inadequate and ineffective in the State thereby failing to achieve the objective of making LAY house a complete dwelling unit. Audit Report for the year ended 31 March 2013 (Social, General and Economic Sectors and PSUs) The Health & Family Welfare Department failed to make a Drug Testing Laboratory functional even after eight years thereby rendering an expenditure of RS 80.39 lakh unfruitful.