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This Stand Alone Report contains results of Performance Audit of Select District Hospitals in Meghalaya for the period 2014-19 relating to Health and Family Welfare Department (H&FWD).
This Report is organised into seven chapters.
Chapter I deals with ‘Introduction and Audit Framework’I and contains an overview of public healthcare facilities in Meghalaya and audit framework.
Chapter II deals with ‘Financial Resources’ and contains findings on fund management of the H&FWD on the funds received from the State Budget (including NEC funds) and Grants in Aid from Government of India.
Chapter III deals with ‘Essential Resources Management’ and contains findings on the ‘adequacy of essential resources – Manpower, Drugs & Consumables, Equipment and Infrastructure for effective functioning of District Hospitals.
Chapter IV deals with ‘Delivery of Healthcare Services’ and contains findings on the ‘delivery of Out-patient Department, In-patient Department, Intensive Care Unit, Operation Theatre, Trauma & Emergency and Diagnostic services’.
Chapter V deals with ‘Support Services’ and contains findings on ‘whether support services like drug storage, sterilisation, hygiene, waste management, infection control, ambulance, power back-up/UPS, etc. had aided the line departments in providing a safe and sterile environment’.
Chapter VI deals with ‘Maternal and Child Care and Cancer’ and contains findings on the ‘adequacy of healthcare services relating to maternal and infant care and cancer treatment.
Chapter VII deals with ‘Evaluation of In-patient services through outcome indicators’ and contains findings on the ‘evaluation of In-patient services through provided during 2014-19 in test-checked District Hospitals based on certain outcome indicators.