Audit Management Group-III(Revenue)

Revenue Sector is entrusted with the work to conduct the audit of revenue receipts under different heads of three departments of the State Government viz. (1) Department of Revenue, (2) Excise and Taxation Department and (3) Department of Transport.

Department Receipts under Head
Department of Revenue 0029 – Land Revenue
0030 – Stamp Duty and Registration Fee
Excise and Taxation Department 0006 – State Goods and Service Tax
0039 – State Excise Duty
0040 – Value Added Tax (upto 30-06-2017, pending returns to be assessed)
0042 – Taxes on Goods and Passengers
0045 – Other Tax Departments ( Luxury, Entertainment, Multi-Purpose barriers & Toll barriers)
Department of Transport 0041 – Motor Vehicle Tax
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