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Budget of AG Goa for the year 2024-25 upto January 2025
(Amount : ₹ in thousands)
Sl No. |
Head |
Budget Allotment |
Expenditure |
1 |
Salaries |
69525.5 |
63473.84 |
2 |
Allowances |
51939.1 |
47483.93 |
3 |
Domestic Travel Expenses |
6623.00 |
5889.87 |
4 |
Leave Travel Concession |
1448.00 |
1419.7 |
5 |
Foreign Travel Expenses |
304.00 |
303.54 |
6 |
Medical Reimbursement |
1208.00 |
883.49 |
7 |
Office Expenses |
8404.50 |
7025.20 |
8 |
Digital Equipments |
274.00 |
139.10 |
9 |
Other Revenue Expenditure |
472.50 |
262.42 |
10 |
Machinery & Equipments |
299.50 |
275.79 |
11 |
Rewards |
265.00 |
263.42 |
12 |
Publication |
473.30 |
437.90 |
13 |
Minor Works |
1367.40 |
Nil |