GPF Information
- Eligibility to Join The Fund
- GPF Subscription
- New Allotment Cases
- Advances
- Withdrawals
- Final Closure
- Annual Statement of Accounts
Status of GPF Final Payment Settlement
- Status of GPF NRA Settlement
- Forwarding of Application
- GPF FP Authority
- Ledger Card
- Adjustment of Missing Credits
- Applications
- Provident Fund Balance
- GPF Calculation
- Full Want / Part Want / Unposted Report
- Information for Subscriber/DDO
- Status of C & AG Complaint Cases
- Grievance/feedback/complaint
- Am I eligibile to subscribe to GPF? Is there any exception?
- I am a temporary Government Servant. Do I have to Subscribe to the GPF?
- How do I get start subscribing to the GPF?
- Can I opt not to subscribe to the GPF?
- What is the minimum rate that I can subscribe to the Fund?
- What emoluments are taken for the purpose of fixing the subscription to the fund?
- Who can be nominated under the GPF Rules conferring the right to receive the amount that stand to the credit of my account in the fund in the event of my death?
- On what occasions am I required to send fresh nominations to the Accounts Officers concerend?
- When does subscription to the GPF cease?
1.Am I eligibile to subscribe to GPF? Is there any exception?
All permanent Government Servants, all temporary employees including Apprentices and Probationers who have completed one year's continuous service and all re-employed pensioners who are not eligible for admission to the Contributory Provident Fund, are required to subscribe to the GPF
2. I am a temporary Government Servant. Do I have to Subscribe to the GPF?
A temporary Government Servant normally begins to subscribe to the fund on completion of on year's continuous service. If he completes this during the middle of a month, the subscription will commence from the subsequent month.
A temporary Government servant including Apprentice and Probationer can, at his option, subscribe to the Fund any time before completion of one year's continuous service, if he is appointed against a regular vacancy which is likely to continue for more than a year.
3. How do I get start subscribing to the GPF?
No application for admission to the GPF is necessary in the case of Government servants after a continuous service of one year. They are under the rules required to subscribe to the GPF. Application for admission to the Fund is necessary in the case of temporary Government servants who desire to subscribe to the fund before completion of one year's continuous service.
4. Can I opt not to subscribe to the GPF?
A subscriber may elect not to subscribe to his GPF during extra-ordinary leave, half pay leave and leave not due. He should communicate this to the Head of Office before proceeding on leave.
5. What is the minimum rate that I can subscribe to the Fund?
The minium rate that a subscriber can subcribe to the Fund is 6% of Basic Pay+Dearness Pay. Subscription at less than six% is permissible in case where the suscriber elects to subscribe at the minimum rate fixed and where by the rounding off rule, the fraction of a rupee of less than fifty paise, gets eleminted
6. What emoluments are taken for the purpose of fixing the subscription to the fund?
In the case of a subscriber who was in Government service on the 31st March of the preceeding year, the emoluments to which he was entitled on that date, will be determine the rate of subscription. In other cases, the emoluments to which he was entitled on the date he joins the fund will be taken for fixing the rate of subscription.
7. Who can be nominated under the GPF Rules conferring the right to receive the amount that stand to the credit of my account in the fund in the event of my death?
A subscriber may nominate one or more persons conferring on him/them the right to receive the amount that may stand to his credit in the Fund in the event of his death. Such person or persons may include a company or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not.
A subscribe who has a family at the time of making the nomination has to make such nomination only in favour of a member or members of his family.
8. On what occasions am I required to send fresh nominations to the Accounts Officers concerend?
A subscriber is required to send fresh nomination -
- when he has cancelld the nomination made by him earlier;
- immediately on a nominee, in respect of whom no special provision has been made in the nomination as alternate nominee(s), predecesasing the subscriber; and
- when the nomination made earlier becomes invalid in the event of an unmarried subscriber getting married; and subscriber having only one member of family at the time of mking the nomination, subsequently acquiring that member or members in this family.
9. When does subscription to the GPF cease?
In the case of retirement of subscriber on superannuation, the subscription to the fund shall not be made during the last three months of his service.